Yep its Monday again, the start of the working week for many people. This Monday I'm lucky I've got the day off (Only as I worked all last week and needed a day off). Outside the weather is a typical British summer... Rain. Yeah, so I'm at home trying to get the million and one jobs done that I've put off the last few weeks due to work, and oh yeah the social life i love having. Today my mind is full, i just feel the need I must write. I love to read as you know if you've read my book reviews which i still need to do more. But reading has taken a bit of a back seat at the mo, I've been enjoying my job trying to get used to the change in my life, mainly get to grips with it, be the best i can be. I'm in my second month of this job, looking back, its the best move I've ever made. Change isn't always good, but you need to make the right choice in life, not all roads led to the same place. Happiness is something you create, in any situations you need to find the bad, kick it out to make something positive, that's just how I view life.
Anyway we are nearing the end of August already... where is this year going? Yep it will be Christmas before we know it. That remind me better start my shopping soon *Wink*. Today I'm taking a break, I'm watching the rain thinking of life... Am i happy? For the first time in years i can say "Yes". This doesn't mean everything in my life is just how i want it... But I'm enjoying everything i have, the people who are in my life, the places i visit, just smiling that I'm alive and living my life doing stuff i love. Yeah I don't have my own house yet. But i have a roof over my head, a place i can call home no matter what. I have my health, that more than many can say, my body is far from perfect though. Do i have a boyfriend? Nope, i haven't found one that wants to keep me, that works with me, makes me a better person or deserves my time. Yep there have been guys, ones i thought id change the world for, but won't change their world for me. Am i worried? Na, I'm in my 20's i need to enjoy being single, doing what ever i want not worrying about someone else. I can go where ever i want, (I travelled to the USA to visit a friend once, might not have done that if i was with someone). Don't get me wrong, i do want someone, one that will work with me, travel the world, fight to keep us together, enjoy this crazy life we have been given. Yeah i know it won't be easy but the best things in life aren't, that's what makes them worth while. But I'm not killing myself over anything. I love my friends, they are the people i truly care about. The late night phone calls when either of you feel down, just want to rant about crap. The people who hug you before you even say anything as they can just tell you need them, also they are the people to get to enjoy the best moments in your life. Yep, i have the most wonderful friends in the world that are perfect for me. They might not be everyone's taste, i don't care, they are mine... These are the people i give my time to, the one thing in life that we are given for free. I welcome new people into my life every day. I like to think of myself as a happy go lucky girl. I smile to everyone, say hello, even if i don't like you much. Everyone is different, I don't expect to like everyone, nor everyone to like me... Dam if they did, life would be boring. Manors are for the classy, worth more than money can ever buy, just free to give.
Overall i just felt the need to write today, one day I will write a book. Not about my life, dam i need to do something interesting for that to happen, more the stories in my head. I love reading, but writing is something i keep close to my heart, the most i share is in this blog. Yep your lucky if your reading this... or I'm sorry for your time you are using to reading this. We all need a release in life, find something we enjoy.
I'll leave you with this note: Smile... No matter what! It will make you feel stronger, there is nothing you can't face. Life is crazy. Roll with it, fight it, dam just don't lay down and take crap, its not worth your time.
This i found online is just perfect
Love to you all,