Wednesday 27 March 2013

My dream job

Dear dreams,

When I was I child I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. Many children in my classed answered fireman, police women or vet, my answer was "a mermaid". I didn't know they weren't real, I was 6 and watched the little mermaid again and again. I saw how beautiful Ariel was, how she found her prince, but also got to swim in the sea all the time (I loved to swim and nicknamed a water baby). Moving on a few years to when I was at middle school, to when I fell in love with music. I would listen to the radio in my room everyday, learning all the words to all my favourite songs. I was in the school choir, singing my heart out with my friends at school concerts. I dreamed that is would be a pop star singing my heart out to stadium's full of people, bringing smiles to their faces when I sung. Unfortunately I don't have the best voice in the world, I'm not the next Brittany spears or Taylor swift. I'm more the girl you see singing to a song in her car, with the windows done up tight so you can't hear her, but looks like she is enjoying herself (best way to be).
Fast forward to when I was 16, I became hocked to watching the tv and films. I could enjoy plenty of hours lost in another world. The places these films would take you, the lives many have lived and tales been told. From one side of the world to another, from the rich to the poor, the old and the young, but also including this world, and out of this world. The imagination used in films draws me in, I want to be part of this world, and this is where my next dream job came from. I wished I could be an actress, and tell many story's that people have created. At school I studied drama at GCSE and A-level, but being young and busy thinking about what I was going to do next I never did anything more about it, which is something I regret. Mainly because I didn't know where to start, but also I was busy with my social life, just wanting to enjoy being a young adult.
I'm now in my early 20's, working hard in a job I enjoy, but still wanting to dream.... I'd love to give my dreams ago, however like everything in life, it's knowing where to start. A few years ago I started to read much more than I ever had as a child, falling in love with many story's and characters. These books always bring me back to my dream of becoming an actress, telling someone's story, getting an audience involved with the life of a character. For me, I loving telling story's to my friends and family, about my life, story's I've read in the paper and books I've loved. I get very animated, reacting parts like a crazy person. But like everything in life, I don't have a clue where to start, but this isn't a dream I want to look back on in 20 year and ask "What if?" Therefore my only answer to this is react!! This means asking questions, but finding the right people to help me, I know it won't be easy, it could be a very long road, with many ups and downs. Now if anyone could help me please get in touch. For now I'll keep dreaming.... While I start a reaction.

Love Lolly

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