Wednesday 13 November 2013

Six weeks to Christmas...


Yesterday I had over 100 people visit my page... Well hello people! I never thought that many would read my post... Errr so Christmas??? 

I know it's November and it really is time to start thinking about Christmas, you may have read my last post about ideas on how to save money over Christmas. My main aim is to plan!! Think about what you really need and where you can save, well that post is still there for you to read. Well next I'm thinking about fitting into a pretty (sexy) dress for my works Christmas party next month, and I'm not really in the best of shape!
Taking inspiration from Audrey Hepburn when she looked stunning in breakfast at Tiffany's.

 I know I written many times about getting fit but it doesn't really work for me. My job means I'm on my feet all day, so when I get home all I wanna do is sit on my bum... However I know it's mind over matter!! Therefore, before I sit down when I get home I'm doing a small work out each evening, this means sit ups and shaking my body to music to make sure I do some exercise before I sit down for the rest of the evening. I'm trying to make it different each night, yesterday was just to dance around the room to music till I collapsed on my bed tired. This evening I grabbed out an old fitness DVD for 2008 and worked out to that... Tomorrow I might move outside to the fitness bike for an hour. Hopefully over the weekend go for a long walk.

Overall little and often helps better than nothing and I'm really trying to fit it in around my busy little life. I don't work well with do the same thing over and over again, that's why I'm unsure if a gym would work for me. I'm doing this before Christmas to fit in to a nice dress... I just need to find a new one too!! 
As well as working out more, I'm trying to eat better too, more fruit and salad than chocolate... That hard for me! Smaller meals for me too, as I love food! People, could someone hide all the chocolate from me, that includes cakes!! Ahhhh them boxes of Christmas chocolate, must stay in the cuboards. 

I'll fill you in on how I'm doing as the weeks count down, 
Slow and steady wins the race. 

Love lolly

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