Tuesday 18 March 2014

Saying goodbye to my Bunny Blossom


This is going to be a bit of a sad post. In the early hours of this morning my beautiful pet bunny Blossom died. She would of been five next month and I had her from an early age.
She started as a house bunny and when she was very little she learnt that she could get behind the tv in the living room and hide away from everyone... She mainly did this when it was time for her to go to bed. Originally we were only going to have her, however we got a second bunny called Bella due to her needing a home. She was the same age as Blossom (only two months old), plus female so we  hoped they could be friends.... However they only liked each other through the cages, so could live in the same cage. Therefore both of our bunnies had their own cages, inside and out. 
Due to too much chewing of house hold items they shouldn't if been eating, including telephone wires, table legs and even the sofa, their inside cages moved outside to the garage. (We didn't want them outside all the time.) They both had an outside cage each, with a run, which they were lifted out into every morning. Yeah, a little spoilt some people think, but it does mean they get handled everyday, plus they love the cuddles. It also means we can check their health each day. 

My blossom was very happy bunny on Friday, and spent the day in the garden with my dad, who was sorting the garden in the nice weather. She always loved the garden, running around and hiding in the bushes. She went that night in her indoor cage fine, but the next day when she was in the garden with my dad she seemed very quiet, not wanting to run around the garden which was very unusual for her. By Saturday night she was still the same. Come Sunday she was just sitting in her outside cage, eating very little. On Monday I got a vets appointment where they told me that her tempture was down, and she was a bit dehydrated but they couldn't find what was wrong with her. She had been eating very little during the day and had only been having something to drink when I put her bowl in front of her. 
I brought her home from the vets and sat with her all night, until she was looking very poorly. I still tried to give her water, and food but wanted nothing. The whole night I stroked her and cuddled her, it was the perfect way for me to say goodbye. I knew she was happy I was there as every time I stopped cuddling her, she would turn her head towards me. I knew there was nothing I could do, but at least I could sit with her. When her breathing got very low, I cuddled her up in her box, with the lid off and a towl over the top of her to keep her warm. I gave her a kiss good bye, because I knew she was near the end. 
This morning, she had passed away in her sleep. This afternoon, my dad dug a hole for her in garden, so she could rest peacefully. I now know she isn't suffering anymore, but somewhere for her to be safe. (in heaven, eating many carrots and grass... Which is my little dream for her). 

I'm going to miss her soooooo much, I saw her everyday. But at least I have the memory's that will last a life time. 

Love Lolly

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