Sunday 21 October 2012

The English National Ballet

Dear Readers,

This week has been a bit different for me, I was asked if I would like to help back stage at Milton Keynes theatre and be a dresser for the week, helping the English Nation Ballet and their production of "The Sleeping Beauty". Now I love Ballet and jumped at the chance of helping!! The only experience I've had before was in school productions and the ballet school I went to when I was young, so this was all new to me. Tuesday night was the dress rehearsal for all the dancers and team. They hadn't done this production since 2008 and so the dancers were quite new to their performances, and their costumes. I was working with all the men, helping them get ready before the show and between act. They were great people, who love their job!! Pleased that they were performing. The costumes were stunning, from the Cavaliers to the King and the Carabosse. Now some of these outfits were stunning to wear, but I didn't know how they could dance in them, however the dancers did it with ease. My favourite costume of the men other than the Carabosse was the Bluebird! The colour of his top was stunning, with glitter detail, I just fell in love with this costume... he even had blue ballet shoes (I want a pair of these). There were plenty of costume changes back stage, that by the end of the week I had just about worked them all out. Also the team back stage were fantastic! The wardrobe staff were always to hand to help the dancers with everything they need, making quick alterations between shows.
I didn't get to watch any of the show as I spent all my time out the back, but the performance shall be in London in early January at the London Coliseum, I'm gonna try and book tickets ASAP for my friend and I.

Love Lolly

PS. Check out their website to see where to see "The sleeping Beauty" and also many more they are performing, and where.

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