Sunday 20 May 2012

Exercise Part 2

Dear Everyone,

I decided this year that I need to get fit for the summer, well more like by the end of the year. I posted a few months ago about starting a ballet class, which I'm now into my second term and I'm still loving it! I can feel muscles I forgot I had. I've enjoyed remembering all the moves from which I learnt as a child. When Monday comes round I can't wait for the evening and getting ready for my class. The people who in my class are a lovely bunch and make me enjoy it even more, the  teacher is brilliant. Overall I think this is helping me to fall in love ballet all over again.
Now other exercise isn't going so well. I've just started the past week going for bike rides. Now its been years since I went on a bike, but I haven't forgotten. I don't have my own bike so I've borrowed my brothers, and have only been biking locally. I'm lucky to live in a town where there are bike routes about. I haven't yet left my town, but I've been able to bike by the river which a different surface other than the road. By going out on my bike it has got me out in the fresh air, however the rain doesn't always help or make you wanna go out side.
Now my weight hasn't changed much, but I think most of that has to do with the fact I haven't changed my diet. I'm a food lover! That means I like to eat a lot, I have a sweet tooth so I always seem to find chocolate and sweets (Love hearts and Skittles being my favourite). I know I need to eat more healthily, so salads and fruit need to get back on my menu. Nights out with the girls means no take-aways, or a cheeky subway on the way home now! The hardest part is when I'm at the cinema as I have sweets taking up most of my bag as I need to snack when I'm watching a film. Another time I eat more than when I should is when I'm at work, as chocolates and biscuits always seem to be about. So think I need to keep some fruit by my side, but also be a bit stronger.
Summer is on its way, well not if you listen to the weather man, but I also have a wedding to attend at the end of summer so I wanna be looking good!! The only way to look good is to put in the hard work! Dam, sometimes I wish it just happened over night, oh well I need to get started.

Love Lolly

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